Thank Me For the Fleas!

Last night I asked the Lord to give me an encouraging word— anything. This morning the phrase “Thank Me for the fleas!” came to my thoughts. I took a minute as I pondered this thought and said it out loud, “Thank You for the fleas?!” and then with a shout I said, “Thank God for the fleas!!” YES!!!

He reminded me of Corrie Ten Boom. Some of you know exactly what I mean when you read that phrase.

Corrie and her sister Betsie were in Ravensbruck concentration camp during WW2. They were Dutch not Jewish but had assisted in getting Jews away from the Germans. The 6 Jews they were hiding the day Corrie and her family were arrested managed to escape.

Corrie was about 52 years old and her sister 58 when arrested. Corrie’s father died 10 days later. When placed in the barracks, they discovered fleas. How were they to live in such cramped, unsanitary conditions? But Betsie remembered I Thessalonians 5:14-18 which says to give thanks in ALL circumstances! Betsie began giving thanks, even for the fleas. Corrie refused but Betsie insisted that God says to be thankful for everything.

Weeks later they realized the guards would not enter the area because of the fleas! They were free to sing, worship and do Bible studies with the other women! Betsie died in that camp but Corrie went on to have a remarkable ministry all over the world until she died at 93!

What we see right now looks like “fleas”, but for the grace of God! Oh how He will use those fleas!

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God!

Nothing happens that He does not first allow. We must trust Him and thank Him for all that we see no matter what it looks like. Because what we can’t see right now is going to be amazing when He allows us to see His plan!

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
Job 1:21

So I thanked Him for all those fleas this morning!


Author: Mitzie Wheeler