Who’s ready to hit their fitness goals in 2021?

This month, I joined the Nicole Wilkins 60 Day Transformation Challenge to kick start my goal of reducing body fat and gaining muscle. I participated in the challenge last year and was so glad I did. The challenge is based on a macro-nutrient food plan with a big range of exchange foods so that I am able to enjoy every single meal. I also do not go hungry. As a matter of fact, during the first 30 days last year, I had trouble eating every meal (and I am not one to struggle with too much food).

So here I am again, ready to shed more body fat and see some muscle!

Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your fitness goals:
1. Set a schedule. Plan your week out ahead of time.
2. Know what exercises you plan to do at each session. If you are training a certain body part, have your exercises written down.
3. Keep up with the weight you use and how many repetitions and sets you do each week. You should see progress. Do not be afraid to lift heavy.
4. Take photos and measurements weekly. Don’t focus on the scale but rather on how your clothes are fitting.
5. Have an accountability partner if possible—someone who will actually keep you motivated and on task.
6. Meal prep. ***This is so important!*** Have your food cooked and weighed out so you can grab something quickly when hunger strikes. This enables you to throw your lunch and snacks together quickly and head to work. It might even mean dinner is ready and just needs to be heated up when you get home from work or the gym. Meal prep is the numero uno practice that will keep you on track. What you put in your mouth is the biggest determiner of your success.
7. Get plenty of sleep
8. Drink lots of water
9. Have photos of goals you want to achieve where you see them daily. Hang them on your fridge if you need to so that you see it when you head for an unhealthy snack 🙂
10. Enjoy your exercises and the foods you eat! If you hate running—don’t run! If you hate broccoli—don’t eat it!

I did 3 of the Nicole Wilkins’ challenges last year and lost about 7% body fat in a 7 month time frame. The challenges help me stay motivated and accountable and don’t cost an arm and a leg. I encourage anyone to check them out at nicolewilkins.com or find something similar that appeals to you.

I still have a long way to go, but I’m going to keep on pressing on!