Is your child a hitter?

Oh, those terrible twos! My strong-willed daughter started the hitting stage right around this time. She would rear that little arm back and give me a whack whenever I dared tell her no about something or did not let her have her way.

At the time, I was attending a mother’s of preschoolers program (MOPS) hosted by my church. The program offered a short session with an older woman who would give talks and guidance on raising children. I mentioned the hitting to her and she gave me some great advice. She told me that next time my daughter thought it wise to hit me, I should catch her hand in action, lean in close, look her in the eye and gently but firmly tell her, “do not hit me.” Simple, right? But it WORKED! I had to do this 2-3 times, but the change in her behavior was amazing. By looking her in the eye and giving a command, she knew she was not queen of the castle and that she did not have the authority to inflict punishment on me for daring to defy her.
Literally. I only had to do this 2-3 times and she never hit me again.

I never had biters, but I would assume this method would work just as well for biting. By leaning in and looking directly in their eyes, they get the message that you are boss and they are not. I was not disrespectful or degrading. I was simply firm and authoritative.

If you have a hitter, try this and see if it helps. If you have a biter, I’d love to know if this works to end that painful behavior!

Be strong, mamas and keep on pressing on!

Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.