A Prayer for Our Nation


You are the King of all Kings. You are Sovereign over all. You have complete control of every situation, every action, every thing. You set kingdoms up and You take them down. Your name is to be praised above every name. You are deserving of all praise and honor and glory.

Oh God, I come before you in repentance, Lord, for being lazy. For keeping my mouth shut when I should have spoken. For speaking when I shouldn’t. For worrying about offending others with Your Word. For complaining and gossiping and sowing dissension. Lord, my mouth can get me into a lot of trouble. My words come out of a sinful heart. Luke 6:45b “What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Forgive me. Wash me clean and make me usable for your Kingdom.

Lord, our nation is in trouble. We as Christians have grown complacent. We have allowed the enemy to convince us to keep our mouths shut and our opinions to ourselves for the sake of peace. We have believed the lie that loving others means never confronting them with sin. We have let you know in so many ways that we don’t need you in our daily lives. We have turned our face away and allowed our schools and government to erase any mention of you and your Son, Jesus. And as a result, you have left us to our own devices. You have slowly been removing your hand of protection and we haven’t even noticed. We asked for it; You gave it. And now we are crying out to You to save us. We are losing the freedoms we have taken for granted so fast our heads are spinning and we are weeping like children who have been separated from their mama. Hear our cry, O God. Come to our rescue! Like a prince in a fairy tale, we long for you to save us.

This election is in your hands and You will declare the winner. Nothing is beyond your reach. No one can cheat their way past Your sovereign will. But I plead with you to have mercy for just a few more years. Now I see what is coming. Now I know that I had better prepare. Now I know I can no longer fear being mocked or being “cancelled” or persecuted. Tribulation and persecution are here in America. I just ask that you give us a little more time. Let your army of Christian soldiers rise up and fight the good fight!

To You alone be the glory, Father. The labor pains are getting stronger and closer together. This world is coming to an end. You have told us what to expect. You have a plan and a purpose and I have to trust You. You are coming soon. Come, Lord Jesus! Rev 22:20